
Imagine a world with no child labor regulations, no seatbelt laws, and no anti-pollution policies. 公共卫生研究人员, 政策制定者, and educators make our lives safer by improving our living conditions, 规范卫生保健和安全, 教育我们做出健康的选择. UNE’s 公共卫生理学学士学位 provides a solid foundation in a broad range of public health areas, from chronic disease management and environmental hazard mitigation to childbirth education and epidemiology. Join us in caring about the greater good of humankind, and make a real impact on our society.


根据 世界卫生组织, public health is defined as "all organized measures to prevent disease, 促进健康, 并延长整个种群的寿命. Its activities aim to provide conditions in which people can be healthy and focus on entire populations, 不是针对个别病人."

U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道

为什么你的B是UNE.S. 公共卫生

As a comprehensive health sciences university with a wide range of health professions programs, we are able to engage our students with cross-disciplinary study and interprofessional experiences that enrich your education – and your resume.

  • 为本科生提供卓越的研究机会
  • 服务学习和社区体验
  • 令人兴奋的实习,在职学习
  • 多个 出国留学选择
  • 有机会攻读在线UNE公共卫生硕士学位.P.H.)学位
  • 获得专业会议和领先的专家

你要学什么?? B.S. 公共卫生课程概述

The Public 健康 degree is part of UNE’s 健康促进研究司. Your coursework will expand on five core areas within the public health sphere:

  • 健康 政策: Developing laws and regulations to promote and protect health
  • Environmental 健康: Assessing how the environment affects health
  • Social and Behavioral 健康: Studying how people make health decisions and how to encourage healthier behaviors
  • Epidemiology: Learning how and why diseases are distributed in a population
  • Biostatistics: Analyzing population-level data to identify health trends


生物104/104L -普通生物学带实验室4
生物208/208L -解剖学导论 & 生理学1 /实验室4
生物209/209L -解剖学导论 & 生理学II带实验室4
BIO 309 -病理生理学3
eng110 -英语写作4
IHS 130 -跨专业医疗保健第一年的经验3
IHS 310 -跨专业实践的道德规范3
MAT 120 -统计 or MAT 150 -生命科学统计学3
NUTR 220 -营养3
鸟叔105 -心理学入门3
鸟叔250 -寿命发展3
SOC 150 -社会学入门3
一(1)创意艺术课程(前缀ARH, ART) or 亩)3
BIO 242/242L -应用微生物学带实验室4
BIO 440 - One健康3
EXS 120 -个人健康 & 健康3
IHS 212——健康决定因素3
OS 200 – Medical Terminology and 健康 Literacy (formerly HWOS 200)3
OS 341 -运行状况 & 老龄化社会的健康(原hos341)3
OS 434 -物质滥用 & 预防(原hwos434)3
PUB 200 -公共卫生基础3
PUB 205 -流行病学3
PUB 300 -全球健康3
PUB 305/OS 316 -研究方法(原PUB 305/HWOS 316)3
PUB 310 -社会,行为 & Enviro. 公共卫生因素3
PUB 400 -公共卫生规划 & 评价3
PUB 405 -卫生保健组织 & 政策3
PUB 410 -实习经历/研究/实践3–6
SOC 355 -医学社会学3


作为正规澳门赌场网络公共卫生专业的学生, you will come to understand highly complex health issues that affect communities, 你会发展出解决问题所需的技能. 通过服务学习和实习, you’ll discover how to work collaboratively to communicate strategies to diverse audiences. Careers in public health include numerous rewarding professions, such as:

  • 政府健康项目经理
  • 公共卫生教育工作者
  • 非营利公共卫生主任
  • 医院行政主任/感染控制主任
  • 健康研究
  • 社区卫生项目经理
  • 环境卫生主任
  • 流行病学家


Whether you have a specific career goal in mind or a vague idea of the field that interests you, 职业建议 是来帮你计划下一步的吗.



预期 就业增长速度 2016 - 2026年在社区卫生领域


新型社区卫生 工作岗位有望开放 在你.S. 2016年到2026年

B.S. 在公共卫生机构


哈罗德·阿方德论坛, 2012年开业, 包括一个105,000-square-foot athletics complex featuring: an ice hockey rink with 900 seats; a basketball court with 1,200 seats; classroom space; a fitness center; and multi-purpose indoor practice courts that can also be used for performances and other events, 可容纳3人,000. It also houses the Athletic Training and Applied Exercise 科学 programs, 哪些学校有专门设计的教学和实验室空间.


跨专业模拟与创新中心正规澳门赌场网络波特兰校区和比德福德校区都有. 在波特兰, 它占据了Blewett科学大楼的两层, 毗邻技能实验室和教室. 在比德福德,它在哈罗德·阿尔方德论坛(Harold Alfond论坛)有专门的空间. The center offers three simulation labs with adjoining fully-equipped control rooms, 任务训练实验室, 还有一个汇报教室. The center also has dedicated space for staff offices, welcoming visitors, and storage. All of the labs are flexible and fully equipped for audiovisual recording, 演讲, 和汇报.


UNE is one of a handful of private universities with a comprehensive health education mission that includes medicine, 药店, 口腔医学, 护理, 以及一系列联合医疗专业项目. 在正规澳门赌场网络的社会工作项目中,你将参加 跨专业教育计划 that prepare you to work with other aspiring health professionals to practice comprehensive and collaborative team-based care. 通过服务学习和实地经验, you benefit from exercises that also include students from other UNE health discipline programs.


服务学习计划 联系学生, 教师, and professional staff with opportunities to engage in meaningful and mutually beneficial service activities within a variety of community settings. Service-learning instills for students a lifelong commitment towards helping others, 同时对个体产生积极影响, 家庭, 以及所服务人群的社区健康结果. Examples of service-learning include working with the homeless population, 实施卫生博览会, and developing age-appropriate recreational activities at a local Boys and Girls Club.

Experiential Learning in the Bachelor’s Degree 公共卫生

You’ll draw upon multidisciplinary seminars and engage in problem-based learning as you gain practical experiences and participate in real-life community projects. At UNE, you don’t just study public health — you do public health.

  • 服务学习办公室把你带到现场
  • 要求135小时的体验式学习或研究实习
  • 实习提供实践学习机会
  • 国际旅行经验



Our students work with many different organizations to gain critical real-world experience. 网站包括:

  • 缅因州疾病控制和预防中心
  • 缅因州公共卫生协会
  • 缅因州医学中心研究所
  • 缅因州地区健康教育中心
  • 新英格兰公共卫生培训中心
  • 补充营养援助计划教育
  • 公立学校
  • 社区公园和娱乐项目


  • 去非洲的加纳旅行 and learn how to integrate western health practices with folk medicine.
  • Broaden your worldview and begin the process of becoming a culturally sensitive health professional.
  • Evaluate health education curricula relevant to the population need.
  • Connect with UNE students from other health professions programs.


正规澳门赌场网络.S. 公共卫生是一个新的学位. We will file for accreditation through the Council on Education for Public 健康 (CEPH).


Ready to begin your future 在你NE’s 公共卫生理学学士学位? 今天就开始吧.